Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

Hepatitis B Definition,Symptoms,Causes and Treatments

Serviks Cancer (Cervical Cancer) or neck cancer in the uterus is cancer that occurs in the uterus serviks, a region in the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) with coitus vagina.

This cancer usually occurs in women who have aged, but the statistical evidence shows that the uterus neck cancer can also attack the women aged 20-30 years.

Symptoms and Sign of Sign of Cancer-Serviks

Early symptoms are bleeding in the vagina coitus, arising keputihan (Fluor Albus) heavily mixed with blood and not tasty, or pelvic pain and can not dispose of urine.


Serviks cancer caused by Human Pappilloma Virus (HPV). HPV can be transmitted through sexual relations and often exchange personal equipment, such as shorts or towels. All women who have sexual risk exposure serviks cancer, because the intimate relationship that can occur HPV infection. They are exposed to high risk of cancer serviks is, women who did not undergo screening

Stadium Serviks on Cancer

Stadium cancer is a key factor that determines what the treatment will be taken. Usually, the examination can be made: Radiology image, such as inspection X-Ray, computerized Tomography (CT) Scan or MRI.

Stadium 0
Noninvasive cancer, early cancer is small and only limited to the surface serviks.

Stadium I
Cancer is limited to serviks

Stadium II
Cancer in the stadium include serviks and uterus, but has not spread to the walls of the bottom of the pelvis or vagina

Stadium III
Cancer in this stadium has spread from the uterus and serviks wall to the bottom of the pelvis or vagina.

Stadium IV
At the stadium this cancer has spread to nearby organs, such as the bladder or rectum, or has spread to other areas in the body, such as lung, liver or bones.

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